The Book of Acts (part four): Paul's Second and Third Journey's; Paul's Arrest and Five Years in Prison
50 |
- In Troas (ancient Troy), Paul sees a
vision of a Macedonian man
- Paul goes to Macedonia
- Paul in prison in Philippi (Ac.16:11-40)
- Paul preaches in Thessalonica, starts
a church and a riot (Ac.17:1-9)
- Paul goes to Berea but flees to Athens
- Paul arrives in Athens alone, preaches
in the streets, is invited to present
at the Areopagus in Athens (17:19)
- In the fall, Paul goes to Corinth alone
without money and gets a job (18:1-4)
Matthew writes his
gospel of
Rome adopts the 7 day work week and names the days after the 7 known planets
Rome founds the city of
(or, London) in Britian |
51 |
- Silas and Timothy bring an offering
and a letter from Macedonia (18:5)
- Paul responds to Thessolonians with a
a letter, First Thessalonians
- Paul stays in Corinth, starts Corinthian
church, appears before Gallio (18:12)
Paul writes
First Thessalonians
from Corinth |
Gallio is proconsul of Achaia 51-52 |
52 |
- Paul writes Second Thessalonians in
response to questions from
- Paul leaves Corinth in the spring
and sails for Ephesus.
- Paul reasoned in the synagogue and left
Aquila and Priscilla in Ephesus (18:19)
- Paul sails to Jerusalem, greets the church
there and returns to Antioch, Syria
Paul writes
Second Thessalonians
from Corinth |

53 |
- Paul spends time in Antioch.
- Paul begins third missionary journey traveling
through Galatia and Phrygia
- In Ephesus, Aquila and Priscilla explain the
gospel to Apollos (18:24-26)
- Apollos goes to Corinth (18:27)
- Paul arrives in Ephesus
- Paul stays in Ephesus for three years
- Paul teaches daily the lecture hall of Tyrannus
for two years. (19:9)
54 |
- Paul is in Ephesus all year
- Paul sends Timothy into Macedonia (Acts 19:22)
Nero, age 16, is emperor |
55 |
- Paul writes the Corinthians his first of four letters
(not 1 Corinthians) mentioned in 1 Co.5:9. In this
letter Paul instructs them to collect money for the
Jerusalem saints. (1 Cor.16:1) An offering for the Jerusalem believers is started and in year Paul will speak of this offering in his letter called Second Corinthians (2 Co.8:10)
- A delegation from the Corinthian church arrives in Ephesus with problems and questions.
- Paul writes First Corinthians in Ephesus and sends it to Corinth. (This is his second letter to Corinth.)
- Paul follows this letter with a quick visit directly
across the Aegean Sea from Ephesus to
Corinth and back. (2 Cor. 2:1) This would
have been his second visit to Corinth
(2 Cor.12:14; 13:1,2)
- Paul writes a third letter (which we do not have) in
Ephesus and sends it to Corinth. (2 Cor.2:3,4; 7:8,9,12) Titus carries this letter and stays to fix the church. (2 Cor.7:15,13,14)
Paul writes
from Ephesus
56 |
- In the fall Paul leaves Ephesus for Corinth and goes
through Troas and into Macedonia
- While Paul is traveling through Macedonia he
meets Titus who has left Corinth to return
to Ephesus (2 Cor.7:5,6)
- In Macedonia Paul writes his fourth letter
to the Corinthians known as
Second Corinthians (2 Co.2:13;7:5)
- Titus and Luke are sent back to Corinth with
the letter Second Corinthians
(2 Cor.8:17,18)
- Paul follows them into Corinth to spend the winter in
Paul writes
Macedonia |
57 |
- In the spring, Paul writes to the Roman church from Corinth and sends the letter of Romans with a delegation of people led by Phoebe to Rome. (Rom.16:1)
- Paul plans to sail to Syria from Cenchea but the Jews planned to kill him so he went by land up through Macedonia and down past Ephesus (Acts 20:3-6)
- Paul arrives in Jerusalem (Acts 21:17)
- Paul is arrested at the temple (Acts 21:27)
- Paul is placed in prison in Jerusalem at Fort Antonia (21:37;22:24)and appears before the Sanhedrin (22:30)
- Jews plan to kill Paul so Paul is transferred to Caesarea (Acts 23:23)
- Paul is in prison in Caesarea for two years (Acts 24:27)
- Paul appears before Felix (Acts 24)
Paul writes
from Corinth |

58 |
- Paul in prison in Caesarea
59 |
- Paul in prison in Caesarea
- Paul appears before Festus and King Herod Agrippa II (Acts 25,26)
- Paul appeals to Caesar in Rome (25:11) so Paul is sent to Rome by Festus (25:12) and Agrippa (26:32)
- In an attempt to beat the coming winter a ship of prisoners leaves for Rome (Acts 27)
- Paul advised the commanding centurion, Julius, to harbor at Fair Havens on Crete but they decided to go onto Phoenix. The ship was blown off course out into the Mediterranean Sea and crashed near Malta. (Acts 27:9-28:10)
60 |
- Paul arrives in Rome and is allowed to live by himself with a Roman soldier to guard him (Acts 28:16
Paul writes
from Roman
imprisonment |
61 |
- Paul continues in Rome under house arrest.
Paul writes
from Roman
imprisonment |
62 |
- Paul continues in Rome under house arrest
- Peter comes to Rome and writes First Peter
- Paul is released from Roman imprisonment.
- Paul either leaves for Spain or first visits Philippi and Corinth along with other churches in Achaia and Macedonia.
- Paul writes Timothy a letter. Timothy is in Ephesus and Paul may have written it from Macedonia.
Paul writes
from Roman
Peter writes
First Peter
from Rome
Paul writes
First Timothy
from Macedonia |

- Paul was under house arrest in Rome at the end of the book of Acts.
- In his prison epistle to the Philippians he seems to believe he will be released as soon as he hears a report of his case: “I hope, therefore, to send him as soon as I see how things go with me. And I am confident in the Lord that I myself will come soon.” (Philippians 2:23,24)
- Paul also writes Philemon from prison and tells him to prepare a room for him in his home in Colosse: “And one thing more: Prepare a guest room for me, because I hope to be restored to you in answer to your prayers.” (Philemon 22)
- Upon release Paul may have visited the churches in Macedonia and Asia and then headed for Spain or he may have left for Spain from Rome as he had planned when he wrote the Roman church in 57 AD: “I plan to do so when I go to Spain. I hope to visit you while passing through and to have you assist me on my journey there . . . I will go to Spain and visit you on the way.” (Romans 15:24,28)
- According to Titus 1:5, Paul visited the Isle of Crete but left Titus there to work with the church. Paul then tells Titus in 3:12 that he is planning on spending the winter (64-65 AD) in Neapolis, a Mediterranean resort on the coast. It is likely Paul would have went to Corinth and wrote the epistle of Titus after dropping Titus off at Crete as he moved towards Neapolis.
- In the spring of 65 AD Paul might have visited Philippi as he had said in Philippians 2:23,24.
- Paul writes his final letter to Timothy from his second and final imprisonment in Rome in 67 AD. In this letter he gives some indication of where he had been during his final months before being arrested in Troas. Paul mentions that everyone in Asia had deserted him (2 Timothy 1:15). He says he had been in Miletus where he left Trophimus because he was sick (4:20). He says that Erastus had stayed in Corinth. (4:20) Timothy himself seems to still be in Ephesus because he is asked to greet Priscilla and Aquila and the household of Onesiphorus which is in Ephesus.(4:19;1:16,18)
- Finally, Paul asks Timothy to come to him in Rome before winter sets in. (4:21) Paul also asks for his cloak and his papyrus scrolls (letters and New Testament documents) and parchments (Old Testament and other valuable scrolls) that he had left in Troas. (4:13) It would seem these are things that Paul would not have forgotten but something had interrupted his plans. In this case it might have been his arrest and imprisonment.
- Paul was executed by decapitation be Nero’s orders either in winter of 67 AD or in the spring of 68 AD.
63 |
- James, the Lord’s brother, is martyred in
- Paul is in Spain
64 |
- Paul is in Spain
- Peter writes Second Peter from Rome
- Peter is martyred in Rome
- Paul returns from Spain to Crete.
- Paul leaves Titus at Crete (Titus 1:5)
- Paul goes to Corinth and writes Titus
the epistle called Titus
- Paul spends the winter in Neapolis
(Titus 3:12)
Peter writes
Second Peter
from Rome
Paul writes
from Corinth |
Rome is burnt; citizens believe by Nero
Rome begins its first persecution of Christians
Herod’s temple in Jerusalem is completed. Began in 20 BC. |
65 |
- Paul travels through Macedonia and Asia
66 |
- Paul probably spends time in Colosse,
Ephesus, Miletus
Jews revolt against Rome in Judea; led by the Zealots who drive Rome from Jerusalem |
67 |
- Paul leaves Asia for Macedonia but is
arrested in Troas and taken to Rome
- While in prison in Rome Paul writes to
Timothy in Ephesus the letter
called Second Timothy
- Paul is possibly executed by Nero
in the fall or in the spring of 68
Paul writes
from Roman
Prison |
Rome is at
war with
Galilee is conquered 37,000 Jews taken to stadium in Tiberias
Nero enters Olympics and is declared the winner in every event he enters |
68 |
- Paul is executed by Nero on the Ostian Way
or the road from Rome to Ostia.
- The book of Hebrews is written by an
unknown author.
The book of
is written by an
unknown author from an unknown
(Possibly Barnabus
or Apollos from Corinth or Ephesus) |
Essenes hide their scrolls in caves near Dead Sea to save them from the Romans
Nero commits suicide
Galba is emperor |
69 |
- Ignatius (35-110) becomes bishop in
Antioch, Syria. Knew Peter and Paul.
Otho and Vitellius are emperors
General Vespasian proclaimed emperor |
70 |
- July 1, Titus assaults Jerusalem’s walls
battering rams
- August 8, Fort Antonia is destroyed
- August 29, Rome’s 10th Legion burns the
temple in Jerusalem after a
nine-month siege of the city
- Josephus records that Rome took 50 tons
of gold and silver from Jerusalem
Titus conquerors Jerusalem |
71 |
- Emperor Vespasian and his son General
Titus enter Rome and parade through
the streets with the plundered treasure
from Jerusalem.
- The Jerusalem gold is used to finance the
building of the Colosseum in Rome. The
Colosseum will open in 80 AD
72 |
73 |
Masada Falls to Rome |
85 |
- Polycarp (69-155) is bishop of the church
in Smyrna.
John writes the gospel of
in Ephesus
John writes
1, 2, 3 John
in Ephesus |
88 |
- Clement (30?-100) is bishop of the church in
- Clement worked along side of Paul
around 57-62 AD (Phil.4:3)
94 |
- John sent to the Isle of Patmos by Emperor
95 |
- John on the Isle of Patmos
- Papias (60-135) is bishop of Hierapolis in Asia
96 |
- John receives the book of Revelation while
on the Isle of Patmos and sends it to the
seven churches of Asia
- Domitian dies and the new emperor, Nerva,
releases Domitian’s political enemies
- John is released from Patmos and returns
to Ephesus
John writes
on Patmos |
On September 18, 96 AD
Domitian is assassinated by his political
enemies in the senate.
Nerva is emperor |
97 |
- Clement, bishop of Rome, writes an epistle to
the church of Corinth, First Clement
98 |
- The last apostle of Jesus, John, dies of
natural causes in Ephesus
Tajan is emperor from
Jan.28, 98 -
Aug. 9, 117 |

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