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Verse and Title |
Audio .mp3 file |
Old .rv format |
Embedded Online Video |
Notes |
1. |
First Samuel
1, Review Judges and Ruth; David's Geneology; Hannah
at the Temple |
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2. |
First Samuel 2, Hannah's Song; Arrogant Fall; Humble
Are Exalted; Sin and Prophecy to Hophni and Phineas |
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3. |
First Samuel 3:1-4:11, God Calls Samuel; Word Was
Rare; Parents; Rejection of Religious Institutions;
Ezekiel 38; Fall of Shiloh |
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4. |
First Samuel 4:12-5:1, Israel is Defeated; Philistines
Capture the Ark; Shiloh is Burnt; Eli Falls Back and
Dies |
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5. |
First Samuel 5:1-6:21, God Destroys Philistines
with the Ark; The Ark is Returned to Israel |
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6. |
First Samuel 7, God Delivers His Obedient People |
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7. |
First Samuel 8:1-22, Israel Asks for a King; Forfeit
Freedom for Government's Help; Responsibility and
Freedom |
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8. |
First Samuel 9:1-10:7, Saul Seeks Donkeys; Triangle
of Success - a) Social Appeal, b) Ability, c) Character;
Saul Anointed; 3 Signs/message |
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9. |
First Samuel 10:9-11:4, The Empowering and Choosing
of Saul |
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10. |
First Samuel 11:1-11, Tribes of Reuben, Gad; Judges
19, 20, 21; Saul Delivers Jabesh Gilead |
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11. |
First Samuel
11:12 - 12:25, Samuel's Farewell Adress; The Warnings
and the Promises of a Second Chance |
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12. |
Samuel 13:1-14:14, Jonathan Attacks the Philistines;
Saul is Rejected by Samuel; Obedience and Confindence |
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13. |
Samuel 14:15-52, Man of Faith v.Man of Pride; Procedure
v.Production; Man's Rules v.God's Law; Saul's Oath;
Jonathan's Honey |
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14. |
Samuel 15:1-35, Saul Fights the Amalekites; Partial
Obedience; Rebellion and Arrogance = Divination and
Idol Worship |
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15. |
Samuel 16:1-13, David is Anointed |
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16. |
Samuel 16:13,14 - God and Evil Spirits |
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17. |
Samuel 16:14 - Sin and Evil Spirits; Do Not Let Satan
Get a Foothold |
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18. |
Samuel 16:14 - Suffering in God's Will for Spiritual
Advancement and the Glory of God; Satan and the Obedient
Believer |
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19. |
Samuel 16:14-23 - David, A Man's Man and God's Man;
David Goes To Samuel's Court |
20. |
Samuel 17:1-54 - David and Goliath; Nothing to Prove
and Nothing to Lose |
21. |
Samuel 18:1-30 - Overcoming the Enemy with Righteousness |
22. |
Samuel 19:1-24 - David Flees Saul's Court; Holy Spirit
Defends David |
23. |
First Samuel
20:1-42 - David Becomes a Fugitive; Covenant Love;
Jonathan Says Good-Bye |
24. |
First Samuel
21:1-15 - David Flees to Nob and into Gath |
25. |
First Samuel
22:1-23 - David Hides at Cave of Adullam; Doeg Kills
85 Priests at Nob |
26. |
First Samuel 23:1-14 - David Saves Keilah (Toni Speaks
to Moms) |
27. |
First Samuel 23:15-29 - Ziphites Reveal David's Location;
Psalm 54 |
28. |
First Samuel 24:1-22 - Knowing the time and method of God's Plan |
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29. |
First Samuel 25:1-44 - Nabal, Abigail, David, War, Peace, Women and God's Will |
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30. |
First Samuel 26:1-25 - David Takes Saul's Spear and Water Jug |
31. |
First Samuel 27:1-12 - David Lives with the Philistines |
32. |
First Samuel 28:1-25 - Saul Goes to the Medium at Endor |
33. |
First Samuel 29 and 30 - Standing Alone |
34. |
First Samuel 30:1-31 - The Ministry of Staying with the Stuff and Daily Distribution |
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35. |
First Samuel 31 and Second Samuel 1 - Destiny and Honor |
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