A Bible Teaching Ministry of Galyn Wiemers
1. Apologetics - introduction 2. Apologetics- authenticity of the Bible 3. Apologetics- authenticity of the Old Testament; Philosophy; Science; Archeology 4. Hermenuetics- scripture interpretation 5. History of the English Bible- origin and manuscripts 6. History of the English Bible- events from 1250-1900's; translations . . . . . . .See Notes 7. Old Testament - Genesis; Creation; Gap Theory; The Fall of Man; Enoch; Nephilim 8. Old Testament - Genesis; Job; Abraham; Dispensations; Exodus to Deuteronomy 9. Old Testament - Law of Moses; Tabernacle; Joshua; Judges 10. Old Testament - David; Israel and Judah; The Kings; Assyrian Dispersion; Babylonian Captivity 11. Old Testament - Return from Babylon; Ezra; Nehemiah; Haggai; Malachi 12. Old Testament - Alexander the Great; Maccabean Revolt; Rome; Herod 13. Life of Christ - Gospels; Nativity; Background; Baptism; John the Baptist; First Disciples 14. Life of Christ - Matthew Overview; First Passover; Nicodemus; Woman at the Well; Hometown; 15. Life of Christ - Year of Popularity; Galilean Ministry; Jesus and Prayer; Sermon on Mount; Rejection; 16. Life of Christ - Year of Opposition; Feeding of 5,000; Bread of Life Sermon; Challenges; 17. Life of Christ - The Last Six Months; Caesarea Philippi; Samaria; Feast of Tabernacles; Hanukkah; 18. Life of Christ - The Final Week; The Trials; On the Cross 19. Acts - Chapter 1-5; Promise of Holy Spirit; Pentecost; Tongues; First Sermons; Authority 20. Acts - Overview of Acts; Paul's Life and Death 21. Acts - Paul's Time in Damascus and Arabia; Antioch Church; First Journey to Galatia; 22. Acts - Paul's Second and Third Journeys; Paul's Arrest and Five Years in Prison 23. Church History - 30-150 AD; Background; Overview; Apostles; Nero; Anti-christian Logic; 24. Church History - 150 AD; Easter Controversy; Gnostics; Iraneus; Tertullian; Montanist 25. Church History - 150-312 AD; Origen; Cyprian; Confessing Christ; Lapsing into Denial; 26. Church History - 325-450 AD; Council of Nicea; Athanaus; Arian; Constantine's Sons; 27. Church History - 450-800 AD; Patrick; Pelagian; Barbarians; Muslims; Roman Bishop; Icons 28. Church History - 800-1050; Charlemagne; Conation of Constantine; Mass; Eastern Split; 29. Church History - 1050-1517; Scholostocism; Crusades; Aquainus; Mystics; Wyclif; Inquisition; 30. Church History - 1517-1920; Luther; Anabaptist; Zwingli; Calvin; Theology Test; 31. Greek - the language 32. Greek - study aids 33. New Testament Epistles - Romans, First Corinthians 34. New Testament Epistles - Second Corinthians; Galatians 35. New Testament Epistles - Ephesians, Philippians, Colosians, Philemon 36. New Testament Epistles - First Thessalonians, Second Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy 37. New Testament Epistles - Titus, Philemon, Hebrews 38. New Testament Epistles - James, First Peter 39. New Testament Epistles - First Peter, Second Peter, First John, Second John, Third John 40. New Testament Epistles - Jude, Revelation 41. Theology - Introduction; Study of God 42. Theology - Bibliology, the study of the Bible 43. Theology - Angelology, the study of Angels 44. Theology - Anthropology, the study of Man 45. Theology - Hamartiology, the study of Sin 46. Theology - Christology, the study of Jesus Christ (Hypostatic Union, Kenosis) 47. Theology - Soteriology, the study of Salvation (Substitution, Redemption, Propitiation; Justification) 48. Theology - Pnuematology, the study of the Holy Spirit 49. Theology - Ecclesiology, the study of the Church 50. Theology - Eschatology, the study of End Things